

Is Perry a viable candidate?

In her commentary, "If (when) He Runs, Can He Win?", Ashley Harmon brings up some very good points.  Rick Perry is polling at the top of the Republican heap in Iowa.  As the longest reigning monarch in the largest red state in the Union, you would expect him to poll well in the Iowa Republican caucus.   But the real question is, can he win nationally against Barack Obama.  I don't think he can.  The way the electoral college has laid out the past 4 presidential elections, the only thing that matters in November are swing votes in swing states.  Perry is too far right for the average swing voter and the rest of the United States has had enough of Texas governers in the oval office for a while.  Perry has a good shot at the republican nomination, especially with this year's anemic field, however, he doesn't have much of a shot at the presidency.

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I consider myself to be an independent. One of the formative moments in establishing my political point of view was the 1992 Presidential election. Perot’s ability as third party candidate to influence the outcome of the election intrigued me. I had been discharged from the Army after serving in the gulf war. The GOP, in an effort to cut spending, cut my reenlistment bonus and eliminated my job. This showed me the contrast between what the political parties say publicly then do in chambers. In 1994 I ran for and was elected to the position of Student Trustee of my college. In this role, I sat on the Board of Trustees as a representative of the student body. I learned that even the government has limited resources for which they must make wise choices to be effective. After graduating I left my home state of NY to find work. Technical jobs had moved out of the state. I contribute most of this to exorbitant taxes and costly labor unions. I found a job in NC, where corporations had moved for less taxes and lower wages. Little did I know, this movement would continue to evolve to today's standard where the lowest taxes and labor costs are in countries like China and India.

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