

Wendy Davis - A Name to Remember

It is hard to argue against the fact that Texas Democrats have had a bad couple of decades.  Most of the high powered Democratic up and comers saw the impending doom of their party and jumped to the people's current love affair with the Republican Party.  People like Carol Keaton Rylander and Rick Perry, both former Democrats, are now high powered movers in the Republican Party.  The Texas legislature, executive branch and judiciary are dominated by the Republican party super majority.
Currently in the Texas legislature, liberals have virtually no voice.  But out of the BLUE, a new voice is standing up to be heard.  Wendy Davis (D - District 10) stepped up and took one for the team.  With the threat of exposing the Democratic Party’s key issue of Sanctuary Cities to a special session, the party wanted nothing more than to get out of session with as few lumps as possible.  But despite party politics, Wendy Davis launched a filibuster to block the passage of a school funding plan that was underfunded by $4 Billion.  Senator Davis’ bold move has brought her new state wide notoriety.  It has also put just a touch of wind back into the sails of Texas Democrats.  She seems to have brought a new, if we're going to lose, we're going down fighting, attitude.  We will have to stand by to see how it turns out.  Dare we dream of a legislature where liberals and conservatives argue the merit of controversial topics and work out a compromise that is beneficial to the constituents they serve?
For more details on Wendy Davis’ big move in the 82nd legislative session, take a look at the article in Texas Tribune titled, “Filibuster Propels Wendy Davis Into Spotlight”.
Ramshaw, Emily (2011, June 6). Filibuster Propels Wendy Davis Into Spotlight.  Texas Tribune.  Retrieved from

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I consider myself to be an independent. One of the formative moments in establishing my political point of view was the 1992 Presidential election. Perot’s ability as third party candidate to influence the outcome of the election intrigued me. I had been discharged from the Army after serving in the gulf war. The GOP, in an effort to cut spending, cut my reenlistment bonus and eliminated my job. This showed me the contrast between what the political parties say publicly then do in chambers. In 1994 I ran for and was elected to the position of Student Trustee of my college. In this role, I sat on the Board of Trustees as a representative of the student body. I learned that even the government has limited resources for which they must make wise choices to be effective. After graduating I left my home state of NY to find work. Technical jobs had moved out of the state. I contribute most of this to exorbitant taxes and costly labor unions. I found a job in NC, where corporations had moved for less taxes and lower wages. Little did I know, this movement would continue to evolve to today's standard where the lowest taxes and labor costs are in countries like China and India.

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